Hello : )
I'm pretty much a novice at this, didn't want to blog earlier because am very very 'shy' about what I write. I would die rather than let anyone see what I've written! However I've obviously changed my stance on the same. I'm blogging partly becuase a. I'm really scared that law school and its insane workload is going to make me lose my 'ability' in non-academic writing b. For quite some time I've been feeling the need to 'let out' some of what I think. This again is because of the person I am. Something happens and I think about it and well I keep on thinking about it. This can drive one crazy, yes. Hence the need to jettison atleast some of it out of the system. Oh and therefore the name, 'Flotsam and Jetsam'.
Flotsam literally means the floating wreckage of a ship. Wreckage - rubbish, unimportant. I obviously wouldn't want to draw an analogy and label my posts the same : ) (lol, even if someone else might think so). However flotsam also implies throwing or jettisoning something (one has to throw the wreckage off the ship na?) and the phrase 'flotsam and jetsam' also connotes 'odds and ends'. So well, this is what my posts are going to be about. Odds and edds discarded from the brain. It's a kind of a 'spring-cleaning' of the brain, kind of like how Dumbledore does (reference -> the Pensieve... that's what it's called right?) in the Harry Potter series. Hmm, but I have a question here - does writing something down help one to get something 'out of the system'? See one of the reasons why I didn't want to blog earlier was because I assumed that it'll be too 'painful' to write something down (because that something will obviously be refreshed in one's mind in the process of writing it down). So the whole aim of the exercise - of 'letting it out' fails doesn't it? Besides since it is on paper now and has assumed permanent shape of some kind, one can always go back and read it na? The same applies to writing stuff down on diaries too right? So another question here - why do people keep diaries?
So well lots of qustions here. However, keeping all this aside for some time, have decided to blog anyway : ). Umm, welcome aboard then ( keeping with the ship analogy). I don't promise top-class writing or thoughts : ) You'll probably get bored anyway. ! Still, welcome : )
Hmm... feels good to write something after such a long time : ).
Honest, sweet.
Just don't throw me off the ship!
lol won't, never you : ))) and thanks!
then me?
eh wht ship we tokin bout agn?
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